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Maintaining porcelain veneers isn’t very different from caring for natural teeth. A few simple precautions are all it should take to ensure that all stays well.

Healthy Gums and Teeth

Keeping your teeth and gums clean is very important. Treat them as you would your original teeth, with regular brushing and flossing.

Chewing & hard candies

Any extreme or angled force can cause porcelain veneers to crack or separate from the teeth. Be especially careful with foods such as dry fruits and chikki, and never chew on bones, hard candies, or similar items. We don’t recommend chewing gum or sticky caramel based items either.

Tooth Grinding / Bruxism

Grinding teeth puts a much higher amount of stress on the teeth than normal functional situations. If bruxism or clenching is a problem, we can fit you with a bite guard that you need to wear at night to take the pressure off your teeth and veneers.

Don’t Skip Any Appointments

Generally one week after the placement of your Veneers you will be asked to return to the dentist for a treatment evaluation. This visit allows your dentist to re-evaluate the bite, tissue response and any other questions you may have.

Regular six monthly maintenance, cleanings and dental check-ups are advised as well. This allows us to discover any sign of potential failure before the situation gets out of hand. It is mostly possible to remove stains or reattach a veneer that’s come loose, but if one should break or your gums recede, replacement is usually the only option.

A lot of celebrities have perfect teeth, but most of them were not born with perfect pearly whites. Lumineers can help you achieve the same bright, white smile without the method associated with traditional veneers. Both can be performed by cosmetic dentist and prosthodontist Dr Aditi Prasad in Pune.

Lumineers are a type of ultra thin dental veneer made up of a thin porcelain shell. They are bonded to your teeth to cover minor dental problems. The main difference is that ultra thin porcelain veneers are so fine that they can be bonded directly to the surface of a tooth without needing to trim it back first.

It is important to note that traditional porcelain veneers are irreversible. So, they are not ideal for patients with minor dental issues. Because lumineers are thinner than the traditional dental veneer, they require little to no roughening of the tooth surface. The best part is your teeth are not altered permanently and you also don’t need an anesthetic before grinding them down.

There are many benefits that lumineers can offer you:

If you have a fear of needles, for example, then this option is ideal as it does not require anesthetic.

One thing that makes ultra-thin laminates special as compared to conventional ones is that placing them doesn’t necessarily have to require any tooth preparation.

They do not require temporary veneers to be worn. They can also give you the appearance of having straighter teeth.

People need dentures and/or dental implants due to many reasons, including age, oral disease, injuries, etc. Thanks to modern technology, there are now many more options available when you’re considering long term dental work.

Two of the most common treatment options for missing teeth are dentures and dental implants. Dentures are false teeth, secured with denture adhesive onto gum tissues and supported by wires or clasps enveloping remaining teeth. Complete dentures might slip out of place while eating or speaking, which is embarrassing and uncomfortable, and partial dentures might promote infection and decay in other teeth if they aren’t fitted properly.

If your gums and jaw are healthy, dental implants are a worthwhile option that surgically places replacement teeth into the jawbone. With good oral hygiene, dental implants can last for 20 years or more. Dental implants are often a popular choice for people who have only a few teeth missing, though they can still be an alternative to dentures even if you have several missing teeth. Customizable treatment options using two or more implants can be used to secure and support wider denture bases to give more retentive and comfortable denture options as well.

Usually, conventional dentures are used after all teeth are removed from the mouth. Because the muscles in the mouth are learning to participate with a new set of teeth and an almost complete gum coverage with the supporting plate, the patient has a hard time finding comfort for a long time.

Dental implants look and function like real teeth and are much more stable, since they don’t rely on messy adhesives to stick to the gums. Dental implants are placed into the part of jaw bone that used to hold the roots of missing natural teeth. The implants over time will bond with the bone and form stable anchors for crowns or bridges. Dental implants restore your smile and the confidence needed to do the things that may hold back someone who wears a conventional denture.

A dental implant is a device that replaces a tooth root. It is placed in the jawbone and is not visible inside the mouth. Its purpose is to support a prosthetic tooth, bridge or fixed appliance, and to prevent bone and soft tissue loss.

A crown covers an entire tooth structure. Its purpose is to provide support to a tooth that has been compromised by endodontic treatment (root canal), very large fillings, or teeth that have been broken. Crowns are also used to attach a bridge or to cover an implant.

No. Studies have shown that removable dentures without implants provide only 25% of the function of natural teeth. A fixed prosthesis retained with implants can provide 80% or more of the function of natural teeth.

A veneer is a thin piece of porcelain that is bonded to the front surface of a tooth. Veneers can be used to change the shape or color of teeth, to give the appearance of straight teeth in a patient who has crooked teeth, or to close gaps between teeth.

Absolutely not! With advances in implant dentistry we have many options for non-removable tooth replacement.

Yes. It is possible to have an implant retained prosthesis that does not cover the roof of your mouth.

Did you know that there are 9 different specialties of dentistry that all focus on separate areas of the mouth? With so many different types of dentists it is helpful to know who to go to and which type of doctor to talk to depending on your dental needs. Here are some of the reasons and solutions that should lead you to speaking to a prosthodontist.

What is a Prosthodontist?

Prosthodontics is a form of specialized dentistry practiced by a dentist who has completed general dentistry (BDS) plus at least three additional years of advanced training and education (MDS). A prosthodontist is highly trained in cosmetics, dental implants, crowns, bridges, dentures, temporomandibular disorders (TMJ/TMD), and more. They specialize in treating and handling dental and facial problems that involve restoring missing teeth and jaw structures.

Reasons to consider a Prosthodontist:

If you're concerned about

the appearance of your teeth or smile

the shape of your face

the comfort of your teeth or mouth

have missing teeth or teeth to be replaced, then you should speak with a prosthodontist.

Trauma,accident related, or cancer related tooth or facial structure loss needing esthetic and functional rehabilitation

Many dentists are described as cosmetic dentists but prosthodontists in particular extend their education so that it includes hands on training to match colors of teeth, correct misshaped teeth, and creating a finished smile that looks as natural and appealing as possible. Prosthodontists are trained in several methods for every type of tooth or smile design cases in order to meet the patient's wants and needs precisely.

Oral cancer originates in the area of the mouth, and is characterized by the appearance of malignant cells. Oral cancer screening can potentially detect oral cancer in stages early enough to give a patient the best opportunity to obtain treatment before the cancer spreads, increasing the potential for successful treatment.

Although oral cancer doesn’t typically receive the same attention as others, like breast cancer, it is still one of the most dangerous classified cancers. If you skip multiple trips to the dentist, you could be putting your oral health at risk of gum disease and even cancer.

Oral cancer can appear on your gums, lips, cheeks, tongue, the floor or roof of your mouth, and even the throat. What many people may not comprehend is your six-month checkup includes a basic oral cancer screening, so you can get checked regularly and catch it early.

Symptoms of oral cancer can include tenderness, redness and irritation, red or white patches, pain, lumps in your mouth, difficulty chewing, and the way your teeth are aligned. Make an appointment to discuss an oral cancer screening with your dentist as soon as possible.

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We offer a full range of dental services, from routine checkups and cleanings to more complex procedures such as root canals and implants. We take pride in our work and our commitment to our patients, and we believe that this shows in the quality of our work. More

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